Zoom: Tips for Running Successful Online Meetings

New to online meetings? Don't worry, we have some tips to make this transition a little easier whether you are the presenter or attendee.


  • Be mindful of cybersecurity considerations as you schedule your meeting.
  • Prepare! Create your agenda or course notes. Share them with your attendees.
  • Do you wish to use video during your meeting? State your expectations for the interaction ahead of time.
  • Test your technology. Test your audio and video settings through Zoom. You can find these settings and tools to test by going to Settings > Video to test your webcam and to Settings > Audio to test your speakers and microphone.
  • If you are the presenter, "arrive" a few minutes early to start the session.


  • Practice good meeting etiquette.
    • If presenting, turn off applications that display notices. Pop ups and associated sounds can be distracting.
    • Mute your microphone when it is not your turn to speak to minimize background noise for the presenter and other attendees.
    • Participants can "raise hand" to let the presenter know they have a question or comment.

Raise Hand

  • Keep the energy high as you present.
  • Use collaborative tools such as whiteboards.
  • Minimize environmental distractions.
    • Find a quiet space
    • Sit in a chair at a table rather than recline on a sofa or bed. 
    • Turn off TVs and music.


  • Presenters should share a recap
  • Troubleshoot technical issues for next time.

Do you have a great tip that works for you? Let us know, we'd love the feedback.