Zoom Webinars: Q & A

Hosts can allow attendees to ask questions during the webinar using the Q&A feature. This option is enabled when the webinar is scheduled.

  • Enabling Q&A

    To review and update the Q&A settings, log into Zoom at shsu.zoom.us

    1. Select Webinars
    2. Select the webinar you want to review the Q&A settings for.

    Select Webinar

    Scroll down until you see the Q&A and select Edit.

    Edit Q and A Settings

    You can select to allow who asks a question to be anonymous as well as well if attendees can see only answered questions or all questions asked. Once you review and update any options, select Save.

    Q and A Options

  • Q&A During Webinar

    If Q&A is enabled for the webinar, attendees can ask the host, co-hosts and panelists questions. When a question is asked, a notification will appear on the Q&A icon in the webinar options at the bottom of the webinar window. Click on the Q&A icon to view the questions.

    Q & A Notification

    The Question and Answer dialogue box will display and have three tabs at the top - Open, Answered and Dismissed. Check out the other sections of this page for more details on Q&A functions.

  • Q&A Settings

    Once the webinar has started, some Q&A settings can be modified, such as allowing anonymous questions and what attendees can view. To review and modify the settings, select the Settings icon in the upper right corner of the Q&A window.

    Q&A Settings

  • Viewing Questions

    To view unanswered questions, select Open. When a question is submitted, the attendee can select if they want the question to be anonymous (Note: this feature can be disabled when scheduling the webinar or in the Q&A settings during the webinar).

    1a. Attendee asking question displays name
    1b. Attendee selected to ask question anonymously

    The host, co-host and panelist can select how they answer the question.

    2a. Answer live – the question will be answered verbally in the webinar
    2b. Type answer – the response will be typed for the attendees to view during the webinar.

    Q&A Open Questions


  • Answering Questions

    When a question is answered, the response can be sent to all attendees to view or privately to the attendee that asked the question.

    To answer a question privately, once Type answer is selected for the question

    1. Type the answer to the question
    2. Check the box to Send privately
    3. Select Send.

    If you want the response to be viewed by all attendees, do not check the Send privately box.

    Q&A Answer Question Public

  • Dismissing and Deleting Questions

    If for any reason, you do not want to respond to question, you can dismiss or delete the question.

    Dismissing a question moves the question to the Dismissed tab of the Q&A and the question is still available to answer later in the webinar.

    Deleting a question, removes the question from the Q&A and it is not available to answer later in the webinar.

    To dismiss or delete a question, select the ellipsis at the top right corner of the question and select Dismiss or Delete.

    Q&A Dismiss Delete

  • View and Reopen Dismissed Questions

    Once a question is dismissed, it can be viewed in the Dismissed tab. If a host decides to answer a dismissed question, a host can select Reopen on the dismissed question.

    Q&A Dismissed Questions

    The question will then reappear in the Open tab.

    Q&A Dismissed Reopened

  • Answered Questions

    In the Answered tab of the Q&A box, you can view questions that have already been answered.

    Q&A Answers