Physiology and Pharmacology


The mission of the department of Physiology and Pharmacology is “To educate and empower medical scholars with transformative critical thinking aimed at applying physiology and pharmacology principles and practices to provide excellence in patient care.”

The Department of Physiology and Pharmacology is a dynamic academic setting that provides education for medical students and promotes transformative advances in the areas of Physiology and Pharmacology through fundamental and applied research activities. The faculty are experienced and energized educators and researches in a wide range of scientific fields who are dedicated to the education of primary care physicians serving East Texas. They are fully committed to integrating core knowledge from their own-derived scholarly work and critically-reviewed literature and currently, they are contributing to develop an integrated medical school curriculum, impacting the health of rural and/or underserved communities. The goal is to prepare future physicians for life-long learning through the application of critical thinking, scientific inquiry, and decision-making principles.

The Department scholar activities stem from research programs that identify problems affecting the health and well-being of the population residing in east Texas. Current research areas include management of chronic health conditions challenging the region, and they are supported by Federal and State funding. Our faculty have developed a powerful multidisciplinary network of regionally and nationally-renowned collaborators, that serves as an interactive platform for the development of impactful state-of-the-art research activities. The department infrastructure provides a unique environment for the career development of our faculty and students alike in a vast array of academic and non-academic settings.