Student Research Highlights

Student Researchers 

RitvikBhattacharjeeRitvik Bhattacharjee


My interest in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (educational research) stems from my passion for understanding curriculum development and effective teaching strategies, as well as my love for teaching. I feel that progressive healthcare begins in the classroom, when students are in the most formative stage of career development. As an educational researcher, I hope to share my findings in curriculum advancements and pedagogical techniques with other medical educators so that they can motivate and inspire future cohorts of medical students to enjoy the learning process and find success in their path through medical training.


Darian Dozier 


My interest in research is centered around social inequities and health disparities, focusing on ways to improve access to health and cultural competency through early exposure to medicine, recruitment strategies, and program/curriculum development. 
I hope that my research increases interest in healthcare and medicine for underserved students who may not have otherwise thought those careers were possible. By helping to create a more varied workforce, I hope this helps to reduce the gap in care and outcomes for underserved communities.
The reason I wanted to get into medicine is to be a face in medicine that looks like members of my community, so I hope my research better informs me on how to provide care that take into consideration health inequities and cultural differences. Not only do I hope my work better informs me, but I hope I’m also able to provide more information for other programs and practitioners to incorporate into their work. 

Mashal KakakhelMashalKakakhel


I am highly interested in research that utilizes microscopic imaging and technology to study retinal diseases. This research is crucial for understanding the pathogenesis of these diseases and designing effective therapeutic interventions for patients. As a future clinician, I aim to continue research in hopes of ultimately improving care for patients who suffer from diseases such as Usher syndrome.