Application for Degree

Application for Degree

The Application for Degree is required in order to have a degree posted to your academic transcript and to be permitted to participate in the commencement ceremony. The Application for Degree must be submitted during the term you plan to graduate. Submit the Application for Degree by the published deadline dates in the Academic Calendar, which is the 12th class day for spring and fall terms, and the 4th class day for summer.

Graduation Application Deadlines and Fees

Graduation Application Fee Deadlines



As noted in the Academic Calendar

Graduation Fee*

For applications received by the deadline

Late Graduation Fee**

For applications received after the deadline
Fall 2024 September 11, 2024 $50 (Effective Fall 2021) $80 (Effective Fall 2021)
Spring 2024 January 31st, 2024 $50 $80
Summer 2024 June 4th, 2024 $50 $80

*Graduation Application fees are not refundable or transferrable to a future term
**Names of late applicants will not be eligible to appear in the commencement program


Degree Application Fees:

The above fees apply to students seeking bachelor, masters degrees, and doctoral degress. Application fees are applied to your student account and must be paid through the Cashier's Office.

Late fee: Students submitting Applications for Degree after the set deadline date will be subject to pay the late fee.

Application fees will not be permitted to roll forward to a future semester. Students must submit a new application for degree with the application fees that apply at the time of application.

Students who do not meet degree requirements in the term for which their application is filed, will be required to re-apply for the next available graduation date and will be required to pay another  application fee.

Note: Students who have submitted an Application for Degree for a specific term and are enrolled in all required courses that term to complete degree requirements will be permitted to participate in the commencement ceremony of their major at the conclusion of that term. Students who are deficient more than 9 grade points in major, minor, or overall will NOT be permitted to participate in the commencement ceremony.

Name Changes

If you wish to make an official change of name with the university, please submit the Official Change of Name form and include the proper documentation with the form (i.e.: copy of social security card or copy of letter from Social Security Administration acknowledging name change).