Controller's Office
The Controller’s Office is responsible for all phases of university accounting, including property accounting and Grants and Contract Accounting. We ensure that university funds are disbursed and recorded in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures. We also provide accurate financial information in a timely manner for both internal and external users of financial information.
Understand the Basics
The Fund, Organization, Account, and Program codes are required elements of a coding sequence in Banner, whereas the Activity and Location codes are only used by specific departments and are not required elements. For this reason, you will hear the sequence commonly referred to as a FOAP.
Role: Identifies where the money comes from
Usage: Use the funds allocated in your budget
Format: 6 digits
Organization (Org)
Role: Identifies who can use the money
Usage: Use the org code assigned to the budget
Format: 6 digits
Account (Acct)
Role: Identifies what money is spent on or received for
Usage: Use the account code that matches your expense or revenue type
Format: 6 digits
Role: Identifies the purpose for which money is spent
Usage: Use the program code that is assigned to your organization code
Format: 2 digits
To request a new fund or org code, submit a request.
Transactions are recorded through financial entries into the General Ledger and the Operating Ledger.
General Ledger
A complete record of the University's financial transactions. The ledger holds account information that is needed to prepare the balance sheet for the financial statements, and includes accounts for assets, liabilities, fund balance, revenue control, and expense control.
Use FGITBSR in Banner for General Ledger information.
Operating Ledger
Operating Ledger accounts have beginning and ending balances, which are adjusted during an accounting period with debits and credits. Individual transactions are identified within a ledger account with a transaction number (FOAP). The transactions are caused by normal business activity, such as tuition receipts or expenses for department needs. This ledger is used to create the income statement.
Use FGIBDST in Banner or the Operating Ledger Report in COGNOS for Operating Ledger information.
The cost required for something; the money spent on something.
- Examples include supplies for the office, salaries, and travel
- Expense accounts have a natural DEBIT balance. To increase expense, you debit the expense account
Money received, especially on a regular basis.
- Examples include tuition, fees, and transactions between departments
- Revenue accounts have a natural CREDIT balance. To increase revenue, you credit the revenue account
To better understand accounting and financial reporting, register for training.