
Date From


Dates Type Details
05/01/2024 Year End

Request an Estimate for a Future Project, Projects between $5K and $25K

Facilities Management

05/10/2024 Monthly Closing April
06/01/2024 Year End

Request an Estimate for a Future Project, Projects less than $5K

Facilities Management

06/01/2024 Year End

Submit Projects for Completion, Projects between $5K and $25K

Facilities Management

06/10/2024 Monthly Closing May
6/24/2024 Year End

Request for proposals (any dollar amount) requisition must be received in Procurement approval queue by 5pm

Procurement & Business Services

6/24/2024 Year End

Formal bids (over $15,000 and including HEAF) requisition must be received in Procurement approval queue by 5pm

Procurement & Business Services

07/01/2024 Year End

Submit Projects for Completion, Projects less than $5K

Facilities Management

07/01/2024 Year End

For any new technology acquisition requiring approval through the technology oversight approval process, the TAP form must by submitted by 5:00 PM.


07/10/2024 Monthly Closing June
07/12/2024 Year End EPAF requiring International Programs and/or Office of Research Administration Approval
07/15/2024 Year End

Reclassification, Career Path Advancement Actions, and Market Requests in PeopleAdmin HR queue

Human Resources

07/15/2024 Year End

For technology purchases for which the client requests quote assistance, a Katalyst request must be submitted by 5:00 p.m.


08/01/2024 Year End

Printing jobs using State funds

Printing Services

08/07/2024 Year End For any technology purchases that has already received a TAAF, a BearKatBuy requisition must be received in IT by 5:00 p.m.
08/09/2024 Year End

Printing jobs being outsourced

Printing Services

08/12/2024 Monthly Closing July
08/12/2024 Year End

Electronic Personnel Action Forms (EPAF) deadline to HR/ESC


08/13/2024 Year End Interdepartmental Transfer Vouchers (State) - Due by 5:00 p.m.
8/15/2024 Year End

All travel using a travel card before 08/01/2024 must be reconciled and submitted through Chrome River by noon.


8/15/2024 Year End

Direct Pay (State) by 5pm


8/15/2024 Year End

Completed Travel Expense Reports (not using travel card) for reimbursement before 08/31/2024

Travel Expense Reports will be accepted after this; however, reimbursement may occur after September 1, 2024.

8/15/2024 Year End

Direct Pay (Local) by 5pm


08/16/2024 Year End

FY24 BearkatBuy technology requisitions, with approved TAAF (under $15,000 or on a contract not requiring bids) must be received in Procurement by Noon.


08/19/2024 Year End New Employee Documents must be submitted to Payroll by 5:00 p.m
8/23/2024 Year End

All receiving in BearKatBuy for FY 24 POs must be completed by 5:00 p.m.


8/23/2024 Year End

Postage Prepaid Meter by 4pm

Anything that arrives after 4:00 p.m. on August 23, 2024 will be processed with FY25 funds.

08/23/2024 Year End

Printing jobs using Local funds (not being outsourced)

Printing Services

08/26/2024 Year End Interdepartmental Transfer Vouchers (Monthly-Billing Local) - Due by 5:00 p.m.
08/26/2024 Year End

FY24 BearKatBuy non-technology requisitions (under $15,000 or on a contract not requiring bids) must be submitted by noon.


08/27/2024 Year End Interdepartmental Transfer Vouchers (Local) - Due by 5:00 p.m.
8/30/2024 Year End Deposits by 3:30pm
9/05/2024 Year End

All Invoices for FY24 payments must be in Disbursements before noon.


09/06/2024 Year End Submit Resale Inventory counts to the Controller's Office
09/11/2024 Year End FY24 Corrections (Local Only) - Due by 5:00p.m