Honors Graduation
Students who complete the Honors College curriculum requirements earn special distinction and receive special recognition at general University commencement ceremonies. These distinctions are in addition to graduation with Latin honors based on grade point average.
Students in the second semester of their junior year should set a graduation meeting with the Dean of the Honors College to ensure they are on track to meet the Honors College graduation requirements. In addition to applying for graduation through the REGISTRAR'S OFFICE, students wishing to graduate “With Honors” or “With Highest Honors” should complete a GRADUATION DECLARATION FORM with the Honors College. Without this declaration, the student will not receive a Bowers Medallion, be recognized during the University commencement ceremony, or have the distinction of “With Honors” or “With Highest Honors” on their official diploma.
Graduation Declaration deadlines:
- Fall Graduates: 12th Class Day
- Spring and Summer Graduates: 12th Class Day of Spring Semester
Graduation Requirements
To qualify for graduation with Honors:
- Complete 18 hours of Honors course/contract credit
- These are taken within the student's degree plan as part of the core requirements.
- Complete 6 hours of Honors Seminars
To qualify for graduation with Highest Honors:
- Must complete all requirements to graduate with Honors
- Complete a senior thesis in an approved discipline under the direction of a faculty member of his/her choice
- Learn more about the Honors Thesis on our HONORS THESIS FAQ
Bowers Medallion Ceremony
All Honors College graduates are invited to the Bowers Medallion Ceremony held the week of graduation. This is a business casual event during which the College individually recognizes all our graduates. Graduates are presented with the official Bowers Medallion and Honors College stole they wear during the University commencement ceremony. The Ceremony marks a joyful finale to one’s undergraduate Honors experience, a celebration attended by University administration, including the President, Honors College faculty, staff, and students. Formal invitations will be sent out to the addresses provided on the Graduation Declarations. Graduate and 4 guests are complimentary.
Related Graduation Links
The Elliott T. Bowers Honors College
1921 Ave J, Academic Building IV Suite 202, Huntsville, Texas 77340
Phone: (936).294.1477 | Email: honors@shsu.edu