Undergraduate Testimonials

Our Communication Studies Undergraduates
Then & Now

Karson Kester

"The Communication Studies program at Sam Houston State prepared me to work in a field where communication is essential. From the field to the court, to the office, the importance of knowing how to communicate properly cannot be underestimated. While in school, the concepts that I studied were easy to see in past internships, and in life outside of college today. In fast pace environments, being able to communicate effectively ensures preparation for what is to come. I am thankful for my former professors, and for the university as a whole. Eat 'Em Up Kats!"

Karson Kester
Sam Houston Graduate
Account Executive, Van Wagner

"The Communication Studies program at SHSU has equipped me with the skills, strategies, and confidence to work in a business-professional environment. The Communication Studies professors and department chairs did an excellent job engaging non-traditional students like myself, and gave many opportunities to develop relationships with staff, other students, and professionals in the field. Immediately after graduation, I was offered a position as the Executive Director of Family Promise of Lake Houston, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides programs and services to homeless families with children. The skills I learned are implemented on a daily basis, ranging from volunteer management to networking with advocates and politicians on policies that support the population I serve. I truly cannot express how grateful I am to have had the opportunity to learn from such a dynamic and supportive staff. I am proud to be a SHSU BearKat, Eat 'Em Up Kats!"

Tiffany Venekamp
Sam Houston Graduate 2023
Executive Director, Family Promise of Lake Houston

Tiffany Venekamp
Carson Horner

Here at Sam Houston State, our communication department is outstanding! While being apart of the Sam Houston State National Championship football team, I had the opportunity to further my education in Communication studies. These courses have taught me how to communicate in any environment possible and succeed further than I had imagined. After graduation, I have secured an opportunity with a Nascar Pit Crew team. My foundation of communication skills are going to be a big help for this environment, since communication is key within any team format. Because of the help of the lovely Communication Department professors, I have immense knowledge that will last a lifetime. This department will open doors to many different career paths and I am thankful to have been part of it!

Carson Horner
Sam Houston Graduate 2023

Craig Kimball

Majoring in Communication studies has been an amazing tool. I was able on my leadership skills from my time in the Marines and improve them in ways I did not think of before. The courses covering nonverbal, persuasion, intercultural conflict negotiation and resolution are extremely helpful courses that can be translated into everyday life. Having a degree in Communication Studies facilitated branching out into other fields, and helped me gain different experiences. This degree has been helpful in the interview process for positions of employment by the confidence and professionalism that I was able to gain from the courses taught in the Communication Studies field. The field of Communication Studies is more than just verbally talking but is also how one shows and presents themselves in their environment around others.

Craig Kimball
Sam Houston Graduate 2020

Karla Victor

Karla Victor graduated with her Bachelor's Degree in Communications Studies this past May. It was because of the education that she obtained in the Communication Studies Department that Karla has been able to receive multiple on-campus and off-campus positions. The courses provided in the Communication Studies program equipped Karla in nonverbal, verbal, intercultural, relationship, interpersonal, intrapersonal, family, and small group communications which are all needed to succeed in today's environment both in a professional and personal atmosphere. It is because of those skills that Karla has been set apart from most of her peers. Karla's favorite time while in her major was a mixture of the faculty members within the department and the trip to Lafayette, Louisiana. Karla has never experienced faculty that have truly taken into account the pressures and hardships that some students face in college like those in the Communication Studies department. During her collegiate career, Karla lost her grandfather and received a lot of support and understanding from all her professors which meant a lot to her. Every semester the Communication Studies department hosts a trip to Lafayette, allowing students to get out of their comfort zone to observe and participate in a different culture. After a lot of thought, Karla is unable to pinpoint one course that was a favorite because each course allows students to take an aspect of their lives and see it in a different way than they might not have before.

Karla Victor
Sam Houston Graduate 2020

"My Communication Studies degree has helped me immensely in my career as a leader in the U.S. Army as well as contributing to my acceptance into 5 well respected law schools. Communication Studies relates directly to my work because I communicate everyday! Understanding the importance of emotional intelligence and the impact it can have has assisted in my success thus far as an Army officer. All of the faculty members are friendly and the classes were engaging. My favorite course was Intercultural Communication, because it gave me insight into various types of cultures. Anyone looking to succeed after graduation should choose Communication Studies as a major or minor."

Morgan Webb
Strength Manager at the Head Quarters for the Infantry Brigade Combat Team
Houston, TX

Morgan Webb
Emily Martin

"Having a communication studies major has helped me land several interviews and receive job offers from those interviews. It’s given me great interpersonal skills, as I am able to successfully resolve conflicts and make sure communication is clear and concise, leading to fewer miscommunications and mishaps. My major relates to my work every day in that communication is always present. I send out emails, answer phones, and talk with coworkers frequently throughout the day. Communication is a necessity in any industry, and can always be improved upon in any workplace."

"I had a fantastic experience with the communication studies department. My professors were more than willing to help me and spend several hours in office hours answering questions about course work. The professors are always providing the students with opportunities to participate in research studies and assist in the research itself. Further, they encourage students to attend grad school or look into certain positions so that their knowledge and skills with communications can be used effectively. Some of my favorite courses throughout my time with the communication studies department were: Deceptive communication, Interpersonal Communication, Relationship communication, Conflict, Negotiation, & Resolution, and nonverbal communication. I feel that each of these courses offered something different and useful that can be applied to real life situations."

Emily Martin

"Majoring in Communication Studies provided me with the skills I need to use throughout interactions in my daily life. After graduation, I received a job offer as a Customer Experience Specialist. I learned a lot as a COMS student, and I am able to use what I have learned and apply that to my work. I feel that had I chosen another major, I would not be as successful working in my current profession. My experience in the Communication Studies department was one I will never forget. I was able to work on research projects with Dr. Van Raalte and Dr. Chen that taught me new skills and showed me there is no task I cannot accomplish. I also had the chance to meet some great people along the way. I am forever grateful for the leadership of the Communication Studies department"

Isabella Vazquez
Customer Service Specialist

Isabella Vazquez
Chris Middleton

“My name is Chris Middleton and I am a Sam Houston State University Alumni, Class of 94. I obtained a BA in Speech Communication and have used the knowledge gained at SHSU every day of my career. I am a Relationship Management Director for Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. I work with 4 of the Top 10 Largest Brokerage Firms in the World and I am responsible for close to a Billion Dollars in premium. Whether I am giving a speech to 2 people or 5,000 the skills I learned in Dr. Thibodeaux’s Speech 101 class are on display and of value. His simple Tell them what you are going to tell them, Tell them, and Tell them what you told them model is the base for each speech I give. You can be the smartest person in the room, but if cannot articulate your thoughts, that idea won’t do you any good. To the people that say “Why learn this, as you won’t use it ever again.”, they couldn’t be any further from the truth. A Degree in Communication is practical, meaningful, and can take you anywhere you want to go.

“To my fellow Bearkats ...GO KATS!”

Chris Middleton
Sam Houston Graduate 1994
Director - Relationship Management, Nationwide National Partners

“Choosing to attend Sam Houston State University and major in Speech Communication with a minor in Mass Communications was one of the best decisions I have ever made. My career in education has lead me to be in positions as a classroom Teacher, Assistant Principal, and currently Principal of an elementary campus. The skills I attained in my Speech Communication classes have played an essential role in the everyday job duties I perform as a Principal. Whether it’s speaking and presenting at a national conference, creating campus newsletters, to working in small groups with my fellow principal colleagues, I attribute my success to the strength of my educational background. Speech Communication/Communication Studies is a degree that you will utilize in any field of work.”

Lauren Archer Hodge
Sam Houston Graduate 2003
Elementary Principal

Lauren Archer Hodge
Chelsi Rene Hall

"As an attorney, I knew that I would need effective communication and negotiation skills and I received that and so much more from the Communication Studies program. Not only is the subject matter fun and interesting, but the professors are open and I have developed long-standing relationships with them. Everyday, I utilize the analytical, writing, and speaking skills I learned in the program. I am very proud to say that I graduated from the Communication Studies Department at Sam Houston State University."

Chelsi Rene Hall
Sam Houston Graduate 2009
Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Juris Doctor Candidate 2012

"A Communication Studies Degree can apply to any job position out there. I majored in Communication Studies at Sam Houston State University and minored in French. I graduated in 2004. Once I began to start looking for jobs I realized how valuable my degree was. It applied to every position, as different as they were, that I looked at! During my first job after graduation, I worked as the Membership Services Coordinator for Associated Builders and Contractors. Communication was so important in my position, because I coordinated services to over 350 member companies. I left that job to work as an event planner and that is when I realized that good communication is the key to success in any career. With my communication training, I was able to understand different ways of communicating with different types of personalities. In any job position, especially in a leadership role, communication is vital to success. Without it, our society would not function. Now, I am relying more on the strong interpersonal and family communication skills as a home school mom."

Cathy Tarsney Theiss
Sam Houston Graduate 2004
Membership Services Coordinator for Associated Builders and Contractors

Cathy Tarsney Theiss
Ross Wood

"The communication studies classes and the people skills I learned at SHSU provided the solid foundation that I have built on throughout my career. I still apply the basics of a good speech that I learned in class to every presentation that I give today. "

Ross Wood, CEcD
Corporate Communications Manager
Capital Certified Development Corporation - Austin, Texas

"Who knew that I would use what I learned in my Communication classes every day in all aspects of my life?" OR "One of the greatest qualities a leader can have is to convey effective communication skills." OR "Having a communication degree has enriched my job, my marriage, and my interpersonal relationships with all of those I encounter in my everyday life." As a graduate from Sam Houston's School of Communication, I didn't really grasp the extent to which my degree would enrich many aspects of my life until after I graduated. When some people think of Speech Communication, the first thing that comes to mind is giving speeches in front of large groups of people, speech-writing, or speech pathologists. But this was not my interest. I wanted to study how people interact using communication. At Sam Houston, I learned not only the theories of communication, but the impact of nonverbal communication and the importance of interpersonal communication. I was hired immediately after my graduation, and I attribute much of my success to my communication background. Currently, I work as the Program Coordinator of the Teacher Certification Program at Kingwood College, but the skills I learned at SHSU would be an asset to any career I might choose to pursue."

Twyla Coy
Sam Houston Graduate 2006
Teacher Certification Program, Kingwood College

Twyla Coy
Sonia Ramirez

"Communication Studies is an ideal major, not just because communication exists everywhere, but also because it enhances any career choice. Most people don't realize that a degree in communication can lead to a career in just about anything. Each class provided me with the tools and confidence I needed when looking for a job. I was very comfortable in the job interviews because the course work had prepared me for such an event. Now, as a working professional, I am able to utilize the skills I learned in the classroom. Public speaking, persuasion, negotiation, and small group communication are all areas I work within. As a university admissions counselor I use every area of communication. I am able to express myself professionally and know that my message is getting across. I also work as a public relations manager and I know that this major has created a wonderful foundation for me to build my career upon. I am interested in so many fields: event planning, writing, and law. This communication degree is the greatest asset I have and I am confident that it will only lead to my success in any area I choose to work in. "

Sonia Ramirez
Sam Houston Graduate 2006
Sam Houston State University Recruiter

“Because of my communication skills, I have been given many opportunities during my life. But the significance of the knowledge and training I received while at SHSU and specifically from the Communication Studies faulty really didn’t hit home until a few years ago, when I realized that not only did I learn to be an effective communicator, I was also an effective leader.”

Ross Otte
Sam Houston Graduate 2002

Ross Otte
Lee Ann Haynie

"The Department of Communication Studies at SHSU is a fascinating program run by friendly and extremely qualified professors who genuinely care about each student as an individual. Classes are highly interactive, engaging and thought-provoking. My mind was opened to new ideas and theories that I now apply to my everyday life in both business and personal relationships. I owe my success and am grateful to the faculty of the Department of Communication Studies for being able to own my business and operate in a corporate arena with confidence and communication skills. None of this would be possible for me without all of their wonderful encouragement and training. I enjoyed not only the subject matter but also the time spent with professors who, if you let them, are more than happy to become mentors and friends." If you have any questions about the Department of Communication Studies or SHSU, please feel free to e-mail me at leeannhaynie2006@yahoo.com"

Lee Ann Haynie
3rd Generation Bearkat