Prepare for Emergencies
The safety and well-being of our community is one of our highest priorities at Sam Houston State University. We encourage you to support our efforts by knowing what to do before, during, and after an emergency.
Severe Weather
Weather is unpredictable and you can expect to see a variety of weather conditions in our region such as:
Targeted school attacks can happen in any school and community. Thus, it is vital for us to plan, prevent, and respond to threats that include, but not limited to:
Many kinds of emergencies can cause you to have to evacuate. Planning helps you evacuate quickly and safely no matter what the circumstances.
Shelter in Place
There may be situations when it’s best to stay where you are and avoid any uncertainty outside.
Emergency Plan
The University has a collect of emergency plans that outlines our approach to emergency operations. The base plan serves as framework for more specific emergency support functional annexes. It provides general guidance for emergency management activities and an overview of our methods of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. The plan describes our emergency response organization and assigns responsibilities for various emergency tasks.