Staff Senate Elections

You may contact the Nominations & Election Committee Chair, Tiffany Driver, for any questions you may have about the election.

Please refer to the Staff Senate By-Laws on the Nominations and Election process and qualifications.



End of March

Letters are sent out to all 1st term 2nd year current members, seeking re-election.

Early April

Nomination form will be emailed to all full time staff.

Nominations will be open for approx. 2 weeks.

End of April

Nominations close. 

1st Week of May

Nominees will be contacted to accept nominations. 

3rd Week of May 

Election Ballots are sent out to all full time staff employees.

Election ballots are open for 2 weeks


New members and re-elected members are notified.

July 18

New members and re-elected members are invited to attend July Staff Senate retreat.