SHSU Employees Data Request

To submit a request to the Data Analytics and Decision Support (DADS) team, employees should click the button above. You can submit a request for:

  • a dataset (institutional data organized in tabular format)
  • an analysis (examination of data to support decision-making)
  • a training session (professional development opportunity for you or your unit/team)
  • a consultation (discussion with an analyst)
  • a Cognos report (request a new report, correct/modify an existing report, request access, or remove access)

After submitting the DADS Request Form, a Katalyst ticket will automatically be created for you. If you do not receive an email notification that a ticket has been created within 15 minutes of submitting the request form, or if you experience any other issues, please contact

Please be as thorough as possible when describing a data or report request.

Examples of information to provide in a data request:

  • Student classification (freshman, sophomore, etc.)
  • Student level (undergraduate, graduate)
  • Student type (first time freshman, first time transfer, etc.)
  • Academic term (fall, spring, summer)
  • Academic year (single year or range of years)
  • CIP codes / Program codes
  • Course numbers / CRNs
  • Retention rates (specify: 1-year, 2-year, etc.)
  • Graduation rates (specify: 4-year, 5-year, 6-year)
  • Fiscal year (for finance data)

An example of a data request:

Fall 2017 unduplicated headcount of undergraduate students enrolled in 12 or more semester credit hours by official race and by college.