About - Austin Internship Program

About the Sam Houston Austin Internship Program


Selected interns must be current SHSU students.  Applicants will be evaluated on their academic record, reliability, professionalism, record of involvement in related events, interviews, references, and other factors.  Students must be willing to commit to move to Austin for the duration of the internship process and will be graded on their academic and occupational performance.


The application process involves completing this form, attaching your resume (completed, in this template), completing a short essay, and providing references.  Applications will be accepted until at least September 30, 2024, but preference is given to earlier submissions.* 

University staff will review submitted applications and may request interviews or additional paperwork from selected candidates. Historically, students who are selected for the internship have had excellent grades, have participated in previous LEAP Center internships, have participated in numerous LEAP Center events, and show a demonstrated ability to handle heavy workloads, as evidenced by the ability to handle a combination of full class schedules and jobs over time.

Following these steps, students will be selected to interview with designated offices in the Texas Legislature (or other government offices).  To obtain an internship with the Austin Internship Program, students must be selected by both the Austin Internship Program staff and an approved office in Austin.  Criminal background checks may be run by the University, the legislature, or both.  Of course, students may find their own internships in the legislature, but they will not receive academic credit through LEAP/SHAIP or receive LEAP/SHAIP scholarships.


Selected students will participate in mandatory orientation sessions, after which they will begin their internships on Tuesday, January 7, 2024 (dates may change, depending on the needs of the legislative office) and will work through at least the last day of session.  Students will receive scholarships totaling up to $8,000 to defray living and school costs.


Interns must be enrolled in six hours of internship credit and may receive up to twelve hours by fulfilling independent study course requirements or online classes (if approved by the Director of LEAP). Students' schedules must be approved by the Director of the Austin Internship Program.

*The application deadline may be extended following a review of existing applications.