Presentation Guidelines


URS 2025 Presentation Format 

Awards Submission Deadline: Due Friday, April 4, 2025, by 5:00 p.m.

Oral-Media Presenter Guidelines
Time Allotment You will have 12-15 minutes to do your presentation. If your presentation is shorter than 12 minutes or longer than 15, consult with your advisor on how to expand or reduce it to fit the time parameters.
Practice Your Presentation Beforehand Modify it to meet the time limits if necessary.
Session Format A student presider will introduce each presenter, announce the question-and-answer session, and keep track of time. If you go over 15 minutes, you will be asked to conclude your presentation immediately (this time restriction is enforced so everyone is allowed equal time to present and so that there can be a question-and-answer session.) Each session also has a faculty moderator who will offer written feedback on how you can improve your presentation. It will be an informal assessment that is constructive and helpful. You will receive this form at the end of the session.
Set Up

Your presentation materials should be set up in a timely and efficient manner before you present.

  • Presentation Materials include: laptop connection cords, video presentation set up, etc.

The following equipment will be provided: 

  1. PC
  2. Projector and Screen
  3. Podium

For those doing PowerPoint or video presentations, ensure that your visuals work before the conference. Be sure to put your presentations on a flash drive that will work with a PC. Be sure to back up your presentations in the event that your primary storage device fails to function (e.g. email, S:Drive, cloud storage, external hard drive, etc.). 

Back-Up Plan

Have a low-tech backup plan in the event that technology fails. You should be able to talk about your presentation without visuals or provide handouts. 

Poster Presentation Guidelines

Posters cannot exceed 4'x3'. Posters should be exactly 4 feet wide by 3 feet tall. The Newton Gresham Library has poster printing available. Plan to submit your poster to the Newton Gresham Library for printing at least 2 weeks prior to the Undergraduate Research Symposium. There is a fee for poster printing. Feel free to print your poster elsewhere such as at Office Depot. 

NOTE: THE URS conference and Team do not help with poster costs. Check with your advisor or department to see if they offer funding. 

Poster Deadline Posters are due to the Honors College office no later than Thursday, April 10, 2025 by 5:00 PM. The Honors College Office is located in Academic Building IV, Suite 202. 
Faculty Moderators Each poster will be evaluated by a faculty moderator. They will evaluate your presentation and give feedback on what you are doing effectively and what you can improve upon. It is an informal assessment and is intended to be constructive and helpful. The moderators will give you an evaluation form at the end of the poster session. 

Remain at your posters

You must remain at your posters during the entire poster presentation sessionYour posters will be on display for the duration of the conference. You are free to attend the oral media session throughout the day but are required to be at your poster during the poster session. 


Your poster will be set up by Honors Ambassadors prior to your arrival. After you check in, be sure to check the location of your poster. 


We will provide easels and the materials to hang your poster. You are solely responsible for bringing a printed copy of your poster.

Poster Pick-Up 

You may get your posters after the closing ceremony. DO NOT pack up after the poster session is over, as it reflects poorly on you as a professional. 

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The Elliott T. Bowers Honors College

1921 Ave J, Academic Building IV Suite 202, Huntsville, Texas 77340

Phone: (936).294.1477 | Email: