A Message from the President
Presiding over Commencement is a privilege that I look forward to each semester.
The Magazine of Sam Houston State University, Summer 2022
Presiding over Commencement is a privilege that I look forward to each semester.
While many middle-income and blue-collar families have seen their incomes stagnate in recent decades, the economic returns to higher education have continued to increase each year since the 1970s.
Class hierarchy is inevitable in a capitalist society, but also at odds with the American founding ideal of democratic equality. Social mobility—the ability to move up (or down) in the hierarchy on one’s own merits—reconciles this contradiction.
SHSU creates value in many ways. In fact, according to a new economic impact study for fiscal year 2019-2020, SHSU added $2.4 billion in income to the Texas economy, the equivalent to supporting 30,788 jobs.
Equipping SHSU students with the knowledge and skills for transformational change has advanced thousands of lives, and in many cases redefined their futures and the generations to come.
To optimize programs and information on how to succeed, the university has launched SHSU’s First-Generation Center under the direction of Lt. Col. Joe Contreras.
To honor the former vice president for student affairs, the university has officially renamed a part of campus, outside the Lowman Student Center.
SHSU’s campus master planning is guided by a long-term vision. It allows the university to better understand how our campuses should evolve to address new trends in higher education.
Updates and accomplishments from fellow Bearkat campus leaders.
While learning comes naturally for the 15-year-old, earning a college degree and maintaining a high GPA still came as a challenge for Nehemiah Juniel.
Heritage Magazine is published three times a year by the Office of University Advancement to keep alumni, donors and friends of Sam Houston State University connected to the campus community. For more information about the magazine email the editor - heritage@shsu.edu.