SHSU Community,
As we begin the 2024-25 academic year and enter the second year of our strategic plan, I am pleased to share the significant progress we’ve made toward our strategic priorities, as highlighted in the Aug. 29 Faculty and Staff Meeting. You can view the two-page summary of our progress here.
Over the past year, our collective efforts have established a strong foundation for student success. Divisions and colleges have diligently implemented programs and initiatives that prioritize student-centered academic experiences across our locations. These initiatives empower our students to customize and accelerate their educational paths while also earning valuable certifications and credentials along the way.
Our dedication to aligning our Huntsville, Conroe and The Woodlands locations within one of the nation’s most vibrant cultural, economic and governmental regions are yielding remarkable results. This includes our status as a top university in Texas and the top 5% nationally (U.S. News & World Report, 2024) for the upward social mobility of our graduates.
As we look ahead, our focus remains on refining benchmarks and targets to ensure we stay on course. This process is driven by input from the entire SHSU community—students, faculty, staff, alumni and local partners—and is supported by a strategic plan progress tracker. This transparent tool enables all stakeholders to monitor our progress, identify challenges and suggest areas for further improvement. Additionally, it provides updates on the Keep, Stop, Start initiatives proposed by faculty and staff and prioritized by our divisions and colleges. The success of this program has been tremendous, and we plan to conduct the Keep, Stop, Start survey again this fall to help shape our strategic plan focus and budget allocations.
As I conclude this update, I want to express my gratitude for your continued dedication and hard work. Together, we are building a brighter future for our students, communities and our university.
Eat ’em Up Kats,
Dave Glaser
Chief Strategy Officer
Dear SHSU Community,
I trust this message finds you well as we embark on the journey into Academic Year 23-24. Just a few days ago, during the Annual Faculty and Staff meeting on August 30, President White delivered an inspiring presentation on the new Strategic Plan. This plan, the culmination of collective efforts from all corners of our university, will serve as the compass guiding our institution's future - grounded in student success and community engagement. We are excited to unveil the details to all of you, our students, faculty, staff, and alumni.
The Strategic Plan lays the foundation for our endeavors, encapsulating four pivotal priorities and setting forth a set of 20 ambitious goals. These priorities represent our university's operations and values. In the past year, we have witnessed our campus community's commitment to embracing these priorities, and it's a testament to your dedication that we stand poised for success.
To ensure that everyone remains well-informed and actively engaged in our shared vision, we have launched this dedicated website. This online platform will act as the epicenter for showcasing the remarkable work taking place throughout our institution as we work towards the realization of our Strategic Plan.
I encourage you to make frequent visits to this platform. Here, you will find real-time updates on our progress, resources, and ways to actively participate in our collective pursuit of our goals. Your continued support and dedication are the driving forces behind our success, and we are excited to embark on this journey together.
I appreciate everyone’s invaluable contributions throughout this process. There are exciting updates on the horizon as we move forward with our Strategic Plan, and we can't wait to share them with you.
With warm regards,
Dave Glaser,
Chief Strategy Officer
Ongoing Fall 2023 Activities:
It’s hard to believe that we started the strategic planning process a little more than a year ago. Since then, the Steering Committee has conducted numerous focus groups, open forums and surveys with hundreds of stakeholders to determine the future vision for Sam Houston State University and what we need to do as a campus community to realize that vision.
This Fall, we began developing the strategic plan essential to the university’s ability to accomplish its mission and vision. Twenty-one Goal Task Force teams, comprised of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community leaders, worked throughout the semester to develop clear goals, objectives, and Key Performance Indicators.
This work has been shared with the Student Government Association, Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, Alumni Board of Directors, and President’s Circle, which is tasked with prioritizing the top four goals the university should focus on over the next two to three years. The President’s Cabinet will then review those recommendations and select the most important goals aligned with our resources, mission and vision.
We are excited to move forward and put our strategic plan into action. Thank you again for your continued support and willingness to advance our university.
Dave Glaser, Co-chair
Chief Strategy Officer
McCartney Johnson, Co-chair
Deputy to the President
SHSU Community,
At the start of this semester, the Strategic Plan Steering Committee launched Phase 3: Develop the Strategic Plan. This phase includes developing goals, objectives, actions, and key performance indicators that support our strategic priorities. Twenty-one Goal Task Force teams with students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community leaders were formed to support the four Strategic Priorities.
The teams have made significant accomplishments to date, developing 76 draft objectives with supporting context, actions, and key performance indicators.
Now, the teams will refine, as needed, realign, or combine objectives that underpin the goals. These measurable goals, objectives, and actions, supported by resourcing decisions, will enable us to move from who we are today toward our vision for the future. Later this month and in early November, we will meet with stakeholder groups including Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, Student Government Association, Alumni Board of Directors, and President’s Circle seeking feedback on the current work.
Thank you again for your input and continued support of this process.
Dave Glaser, Co-chair
Chief Strategy Officer
McCartney Johnson, Co-chair
Deputy to the President
SHSU Community,
On Friday, the Texas State University System Board of Regents approved the strategic framework containing a new mission statement, values, vision statement, and strategic priorities.
As the next step in this process, we have developed draft goals to reinforce each strategic priority and assigned Strategic Priority Champions and task forces, specifically for each goal, to support resourcing decisions and monitor progress.
As a reminder, we would like your input on how to measure the proposed goals (see below.) By clicking on the survey, you can choose goals of interest and provide both an objective and key performance indicator. This information will be forwarded to the goal task forces for consideration. The survey will close at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, June 1.
We appreciate your partnership and support.
Dave Glaser, Co-chair
Chief Strategy Officer
McCartney Johnson, Co-chair
Deputy to the President
SHSU Community,
Our strategic planning process continues to move forward. This month, the strategic framework will go before the Texas State University System Board of Regents for approval. Meanwhile, we have developed draft goals to reinforce each strategic priority and assigned both Strategic Priority Champions and a task force, specifically for each goal, to support resourcing decisions and monitor progress.
Your participation has been critical throughout this process, and we welcome your input on how to measure the proposed draft goals (see below.) A survey was emailed to you on May 4, inviting you to share your feedback. You can choose goals of interest and provide both an objective and key performance indicator. This information will be forwarded to the goal task forces for consideration. The survey will close at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, June 1.
Prioritize Student Success and Student Access
Embody a Culture of Excellence
Elevate the Reputation and Visibility of SHSU
Expand and Elevate our Service to the State and Beyond
We appreciate your partnership and support.
Dave Glaser, Co-chair
Chief Strategy Officer
McCartney Johnson, Co-chair
Deputy to the President
SHSU Community,
With your input, we’ve finalized the university’s strategic framework, which is composed of mission, values, vision, and strategic priorities. The framework is being sent to TSUS Board of Regents for their approval in May. Over the next several months, our efforts will focus on finalizing goals that underpin the strategic priorities. These measurable goals, reinforced by resourcing decisions and our communications plan, will enable us to move from who we are today toward our vision of the future (who we want to be).
The President’s Extended Cabinet has assigned two strategic priority champions, by position, to each of the four institutional priorities. While these champions will oversee and finalize the goal development, a goal task force will provide the support needed to ensure the goals are measurable with objectives and key performance indicators.
If you would like to become a member of a goal task force, please reach out to your respective department heads or the alumni office. Students should contact General Glaser or Dr. Johnson. Working with the President’s Extended Cabinet, the goal task force teams will be assembled and assigned to a strategic priority over the next several weeks.
Strategic Priority 1: Prioritize Student Success and Student Access
Strategic Priority 2: Embody a Culture of Excellence
Strategic Priority 3: Elevate the Reputation and Visibility of SHSU
Strategic Priority 4: Expand and Elevate our Service to the State and Beyond
We appreciate your partnership and support as we continue to build out the strategic plan for Sam Houston State University.
Dave Glaser, Co-chair
Chief Strategy Officer
McCartney Johnson, Co-chair
Deputy to the President
SHSU Community,
We’ve reached a significant milestone in our strategic planning process. The work completed in the first phase, based on your input, helped to build a meaningful and representative strategic framework. This framework, composed of mission, values, vision, and strategic priorities, will serve as a guide for planning and decision-making over the next decade. The strategic framework will be submitted to the Texas State University System Board of Regents for approval in May.
Our next step is to develop the supporting goals which reinforce the strategic priorities. These measurable goals, supported by resourcing decisions and our communications plan, will enable us to move from who we are today toward our vision of the future.
Your input in building the strategic framework was critical, and we now need a similar level of effort to build out the goals. On March 21, strategic priority champions will be identified by the President’s Extended Cabinet. Their responsibility will be to oversee and finalize goal development that support each strategic priority. For each goal, there will be a cross functional task force comprised of staff, faculty, students, and alumni. These task forces will help identify what SHSU should strive to achieve during the next 1 to 3 years, and the broad, university‐wide, multi‐year strategies that should be adopted.
We appreciate your partnership and support as we continue to build out the strategic plan for Sam Houston State University.
Dave Glaser, Co-chair
Chief Strategy Officer
McCartney Johnson, Co-chair
Deputy to the President
Dear SHSU Community,
We've made steady progress towards developing an updated strategic plan for Sam Houston State University. In Fall 2021, the Strategic Plan Steering Committee (SPSC) began laying the groundwork needed to develop and formalize a strategic plan. To ensure the plan is representative, meaningful, and impactful, SHSU stakeholders were asked to voice their thoughts and opinions through surveys and focus groups.
The work completed in this first phase, which includes an environmental scan, survey/focus group data, and SWOT (strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis becomes the basis for the next step in the process - building an updated strategic framework. This framework, composed of mission, vision, values, and strategic priorities, will be our guideposts for decision-making over the next decade.
We plan to share the proposed framework with the community and gather additional input. Presentations and discussions with both Faculty and Staff Senates will be conducted in February/March.
For planning to be successful, it needs to be a collective and thoughtful effort. We thank you for your participation and the work being done by SPSC members.
You can follow along with updates and information on our webpage.
Dave Glaser, Co-chair
Chief Strategy Officer
McCartney Johnson, Co-chair
Deputy to the President
We want to provide you with an update on the continued work of the Strategic Plan Steering Committee. The strategic planning process is in full swing. We are steadily moving forward through the first phase of discovery and envisioning as we develop insights needed to build on the existing strategic framework (mission, vision, and values).
Focus Workgroup
Workgroup members are meeting with various stakeholder groups. Focus groups have been conducted with Student Government Association, Student Organizations, President’s Expanded Cabinet, President’s Council, Faculty, Staff, Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, Alumni Board of Directors, and Community Leaders. Additional focus groups will occur throughout November and the beginning of December.
Co-leads: Karen Sherrill and Tiyahri Wilson
Economic Research and Survey Workgroup
Workgroup members created a pilot survey for Students, Parents, Staff, Faculty, Alumni, and Business and Civic Influencers. Feedback from the pilot has been positive, with a strong response rate. The team is reviewing the results and incorporating the feedback into the final survey revision. Final revisions will conclude this weekend. The survey will launch on Monday, November 8 and remain available to complete through Friday, November 19.
Co-leads: Rachel Valle and Mike Yawn
We have taken our first, exciting steps on a road of discovery that will help us plan and clearly navigate through the next decade. This collaborative and participative process, one that engages faculty, staff, students and the greater community, will bring forward bold and innovative ideas to meet opportunities and challenges that foster true transformational change.
In an increasingly complex world where the only constant is change, our goal is to position ourselves so that we can consistently make a life-changing impact on generations of students. To do that, our plan must be a living embodiment of our mission. A plan that encourages creative thinking, emboldens thoughtful action and builds continuous value.
For this plan to be meaningful and impactful, to make it work, we need you to be an active participant in this journey. Your voice is needed. To keep you informed, we plan to reach out through a number of ways including surveys, focus groups and other forums that are conducive to constructive dialogue and thought.
In addition to members serving on the Strategic Plan Steering Committee (SPSC), who represent areas and groups across campus, we will provide periodic updates to keep our community informed.
Phase One: Discovery and Envisioning
We are currently in the data collection and analysis phase of the planning framework. The SPSC has divided into two work groups to collect valuable feedback and data that we can build upon as we move forward.
Focus Groups
SPSC members will meet with various stakeholder groups to collect and analyze information and perceptions related to the university’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, often referred to as a SWOT analysis. This team is meeting weekly to foster greater communication and coordination among the ten stakeholder focus groups.
Co-leads: Tiyahri Wilson and Karen Sherrill
Economic Research and Surveys
Members have divided into two groups to address economic research and key constituent surveys. Economic research includes gathering and analyzing data relevant to the university’s enrollment and financial stability. Surveys directed to students, faculty, staff, alumni and other key constituencies are under development and will go live in November. Feedback and data received from the surveys and economic research will complement the information gathered in the focus groups helping us further clarify SHSU’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Co-leads: Rachel Valle and Mike Yawn
SPSC Membership
John T. Adams
Rhonda Beassie
Benji Cantu
Fernando Chavez
Mona Cockerham
Mike Dewey
Ross Guida
Walter Fitzgerald
Debbi Hatton
Pamela Haven
Juan Hernandez
John Jordan
Josh Reynolds
Kris Ruiz
Amanda Scarborough
Karen Sherrill
Ron Shields
Susan Troncoso Skidmore
Saranya Srikanth
Angie Taylor
Chris Tritico
Rachel Valle