Required Trainings

Student Organization Required Training (SORT)

In addition to the in-person Student Organization Leadership Retreat, each student organization will also be required to complete an online Student Organization Required Training.

This training will be posted and made active on Monday, July 15, 2024. At least 1 member of each organization will be required to submit the completed form to the Department of Leadership Initiatives no later than 11:59 PM on Sunday, September 1, 2024. This form can be accessed by clicking on the Forms tab on your OrgLINK homepage. Failure to submit the completed form by the deadline will result in a loss of recognition for your student organization for the 2024-25 academic year. The person submitting the form will need to be listed on the roster for the organization on OrgLINK.

 Should you have any questions regarding the Student Organization Leadership Retreat or the Student Organization Required Training, please contact our office.

Student Organization Leadership Retreat (SOLR)

The Student Organization Leadership Retreat was held on Friday, August 16, 2024. Listed below are presentations from the retreat: 

Need More Information?

Department of Student Involvement: Leadership & Service

(936) 294-3000

Lowman Student Center, Suite 326