Personal Training

girl flipping tire under supervision

Need a bit more help with your fitness and nutrition goals? Work with a personal trainer. We offer virtual and in-person training by certified trainers to assist you in becoming a better version of yourself!

Find Your Fit

Wanting a personal trainer, but not sure if it is the right thing for you? Try our Find Your Fit program first! This introductory program includes a fitness assessment, 1-month workout program tailored to you, and weekly check-ins with a certified trainer.

$30 for students, $40 for non-students. To register, complete the personal training information packet.

Personal Training Packet

Training Packages

  • Individual Package

    60 minute Sessions

    Personal Trainers will design exercise programs to help you stay motivated and reach your fitness goals.

    Student Session Prices
    1 $25
    3 $59
    5 $95
    10 $180
    15 $255

    60 minute Sessions

    Personal Trainers will design exercise programs to help you stay motivated and reach your fitness goals.

    Non-Student Session Prices
    1 $30
    3 $69
    5 $105
    10 $190
    15 $265

    45 minute Sessions

    Personal Trainers will design exercise programs to help you stay motivated and reach your fitness goals.

    Non-Student Session Prices
    1 $27
    3 $63
    5 $95
    10 $170
    15 $240

    Packages of 5-15 sessions includes a complimentary fitness assessment.

  • Buddy Package

    60 minute Sessions

    Grab a friend and one of our personal trainers to begin achieving your health and fitness goals together. For maximum effectiveness, we strongly recommend that partners have similar fitness goals and be of similar fitness levels. Participants must register and exercise together. Prices are figured as per person cost.

    Student Session Prices/person
    1 $20
    3 $49
    5 $79
    10 $130
    15 $190

    60 minute Sessions

    Grab a friend and one of our personal trainers to begin achieving your health and fitness goals together. For maximum effectiveness, we strongly recommend that partners have similar fitness goals and be of similar fitness levels. Participants must register and exercise together. Prices are figured as per person cost.

    Non-Student Session Prices/person
    1 $25
    3 $59
    5 $89
    10 $140
    15 $200

    Packages of 5-15 sessions includes a complimentary fitness assessment.

  • Group Package

    60 minute Sessions

    Get a group together with one of our personal trainers to begin achieving your health and fitness goals together. For maximum effectiveness, we strongly recommend that group members have similar fitness goals and be of similar fitness levels. Participants must register and exercise together. Prices are figured as per person cost.

    Student Session Prices/person
    1 $15
    3 $35
    5 $50
    10 $95
    15 $140

    60 minute Sessions

    Get a group together with one of our personal trainers to begin achieving your health and fitness goals together. For maximum effectiveness, we strongly recommend that group members have similar fitness goals and be of similar fitness levels. Participants must register and exercise together. Prices are figured as per person cost.

    Non-Student Session Prices/person
    1 $20
    3 $45
    5 $60
    10 $105
    15 $150

    Packages of 5-15 sessions includes a complimentary fitness assessment.