Other Composers

Potpourri sull'opera

Fiorina di Pedrotti

ADD16, PP.55.10

Carlo Pedrotti (1817-1893) was based in Verona where he composed most of his output. Fiorina, o La fanciulla di Glaris was written in 1851 and was quite popular as a "semiseria" opera of the period. A YouTube of the "sinfonia" performed by a modern orchestra from Verona may be heard here.

The score has numerous notations on it that suggest a period of aggravation. There are several personal notations that suggest that the Oversight Committee may have examined the scores in addition to the copyist (Belforti) and the vicemaestro (Bissocoli). he first reads "Rid.e e composizione d'un' [sic] infelice e tu credevi." (Arranged and composed by an unhappy person and you [better] believe it.) At the end of the score Pochielli wrote "il seguente pezzo / vale per due / dovrebbe valere per due." (The following piece /is worth two/  should count as two.)

One of the surprises is its 22 performances between 1868 and 1873. The two 1871 concerts listed in the "Piazza San Domenico" are unique as one might thus follow the naming of this site, moving from "demolished" to "San Domenico" to "Piazza Roma," which is its name today.

Date on score: None given

Performances: Thursday, June 4, 1868, Piazza Garibaldi; Thursday, July 30, 1868, Piazza Cavour; Sunday, October 18, 1868, Piazza Cavour; Sunday, November 1, 1868, Piazza Cavour; Wednesday, May 9, 1869, Piazza Cavour; Sunday, July 4, 1869, Passegio pubblico, Sunday, September 12, 1869, Piazza Garibaldi; Thursday, September 23, 1869, Piazza Cavour; Sunday, November 11, 1869, Piazza Cavour; Saturday, November 13, 1869, Piazza Garibaldi; Sunday, May 29, 1870, Passegio pubblico; Thursday, June 16, 1870, PG; Sunday, January 29, 1871, Piazza Cavour; Sunday, February 26, Piazza Cavour; Friday, May 26, 1871, Piazza San Domenico; Sunday, July 2, 1871, Piazza San Domanico; Friday, September 15, 1871, Piazza Cavour; Sunday, June 16, 1872, Passegio pubblico; Sunday, March 2, 1873, Piazza Cavour; Tuesday, August 12, 1873, Piazza Garibaldi; Sunday, December 28, 1873, Piazza Cavour.


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